
October Surprise Conspiracy

I think the recent attacks on US embassies in Egypt & Libya on Sept-11-2012 may have been orchestrated by Republican Party and/or its supporters, for political gains before election as part of their October-Surprise (OS) mission, similar to the one they did back in 1980 for Reagan/Bush against President Carter, & made a deal behind curtains, behind State department, CIA, etc. with hostage takers & government of Iran (& again in Iran-Contra/Irangate). The immediate question is the coincidence of all these activities & events:

1- This video (which everyone in universe, before even its production, could clearly predict it’d provoke & upset Muslims) was produced & put on internet just weeks before election & debates. Note: Production time & Release time.
1.a- Was this some Republicans idea to write & produce this film?
1.b- And release it at such a critical time?
1.c- Involving the famous Christian priest who burned Quran, which everyone in Muslim world knows him?
1.d- Produced by an Israeli-Jew filmmaker & 100s of Jewish donors? While we know how sensitive are Muslims to Israel & Jews & Christians. Such a perfect combination! Was this planned as part of Romney’s recent trip to Israel & recent close relation to Jews?

2- Before even Americans see this clip, radicals in Egypt & Libya (where most people don’t even have computer or internet, & very slow internet (which is very hard to see a video)), quickly saw it & quickly stormed to embassies in a very organized & sophisticated way. Did they know this in advance, & know it coming? Was this already planned?

3- Compare this with many similar past incidents (priest’s Quran burning, military Quran burning in Afghanistan, articles & caricatures about Islam or Muhammad, etc.) & reaction time/magnitude/sophistication in Muslim world (e.g., in Afgh., Pakistan, etc.). This was unprecedented.

4- Mr. Romney’s complain, press conference, etc. was very quick. Did he know this is coming in advance & planned for it? Did he write his complain statements & speech in advance, leaving some parts empty to see how things would fold, how US embassy, white-house, Pres. Obama would respond, etc.? He was surprisingly very prepared for Q&A, which he usually doesn’t. Please forgive me: the person who farts, usually is the 1st one who senses & complains about the smell.

5- Recently Mr. Romney & Republicans, strangely & suddenly, have got very close to Israel & Jews: Israel trip, meetings w/Bibi & other officials in Israel & US, a lot of statements about Israel security, friendship, support, etc.

6- A lot of harsh statements against Iran, exaggerate its threat, military attack option, Israel right to attack, etc.

7- Strong statements & position by Netanyahu & others, in Israel & US against Pres. Obama about Iran which has been intensifying more & more since last year as we get closer & closer to election. Obviously, Mr. Netanyahu has been using this election opportunity as leverage to get a promise from Pres. Obama Re. Iran & Palestine after election but has not getting it. Has he been preparing an OS together with Republicans before election? To further delay Palestine statehood discussion! His speech & complain the day before!

8- 32 years ago, same Likud Party, distance itself from Pres. Carter & positioned itself against him which cost him to lose election to Reagan/Bush. This happen when Pres. Carter was pushing Prime Minister Menachem Begin (from same Likud Party) to accept 2 states solution w/Palestinian. PM Begin was worry that if Pres. Carter got elected, he’d pushed him to accept Palestinian state (like what he did during Egypt-Israel negotiation over Sinai, which PM Begin wasn’t happy about it.)

9- Republican know that one of Pres. Obama’s winning cards is his foreign policy, & their & Romney’s weakness, & they have been trying heavily to undermine that.

10- Exact date of this attack (9/11): Since Pres. Obama is depictured as the champion of bringing 9/11 mastermind (Osama B.) to justice, this may have been planned on exactly 9/11 to diminish that. Note: Romney’s quick & immediate speech after this incident also reflected that.

11- Location of this attack: Why this didn’t happen in Afgh. or Pakistan (usual places – usual suspect)? Egypt: where Pres. Obama had speech, Mubarak, Morsi, etc. Libya: where Pres. Obama helped without 1 American casualty (despite all Republicans’ initial complains). If US embassy were open in Syria & Iran, surely it’d happen there too.

Republicans probably are doing OS again, using the same square: US, Israel, Iran, Palestine. I don’t think they intended any American to die – they may have miscalculated. Some people, like Robert Parry have been talking about another OS since some time ago (see: “An Israeli October Surprise for Obama?” at http://consortiumnews.com/2012/08/18/an-israeli-october-surprise-for-obama). Republican know very well since long time ago that beside the 1%, they have no winning card in this election (women, Af-Am, Latin, LGBT, youngs, any minority, environmentalist, elderly, pro SS, pro health care/Medicare/Medicaid, the 99%,… nada). They needed something big. This may not be the last - they may have more.

These are just my thoughts. I’ve no proof. I’m writing this, not much for its impact on election but for much more serious matter: these types of activities, jeopardize the security of US, Americans, & assets, inside & abroad; as well as allies, innocent people, US foreign relation w/other countries, war, etc. The people who did this operation should be captured alive to find the main architect behind it.


World #1 Problem: We Are Too Many

World's high population is the main cause of global issues.
The root cause of each & every major global issues today is because we (human race) are more than what we suppose to be. Some of the existing issues which many of them are also increasing every day: Global hunger; food shortage & price increase; energy shortage, increase in demand & price; poverty; water shortage; lack of job (high unemployment); political conflicts; wars; terrorism; growing unrest, demonstrations, revolutions, and strikes; increase in number of cars, devices, and garbage; increase in pollution (soil, water, air, atmosphere, orbit); lack of education (cost increase, less affordable, high dropout); health issues (fast disease distribution, new sickness, new & stronger bacteria/viruses, medical cost increase, less affordable); crime rate (& increase in brutality); drug creation, trafficking, addiction, etc (& all crime & murder related to it); prostitution; over fishing; etc….

With significant & continuous improvement in technology (machines, computer, robotics, automation, etc.), management, and efficiency; less & less work force is needed everyday to produce the same stuff for everyone and satisfy the demand. Therefore, less & less workers are needed, which leads to more & more layoffs & unemployment.

Syriana said: “capitalism can’t survive without waste”. It needs increase in population, consumption, replacement, through out, and waste. More waste leads to more pollution but a lot of big corporations, investors, shareholders, and people, don’t care. More pollution cause more environmental impacts, more impacting animals, plants, seas & oceans, coral reefs,…, and human itself. Yes, we are also shooting ourselves in the foot.

The main problem, the root cause for all the suffering of nature (trees, etc.) & wild animals, if u trace is one thing: We (Human) are Too Many. Huge human population growth in the world in such a short time within ~ half a century (and keep growing), has caused so much problem for nature, as well as human itself. Look at the diagrams of the human population growth - it's scary. Imagine if any large animal in world had such a growth & population & presence on whole earth, and we were the minority! We'd all die from heart attach. I don't know how these poor animals had survived! Please advocate to every country and UN to do something about this epidemic (from nature point of view); to teach & encourage people to keep # of children 2 or below; give them free condom, or whatever that works.

No more horizontal expansion of human cities. Human has already expanded too much, and taken most of planet, made life very difficult for all animals & plants who share this planet Earth with us. Human must stop its population growth, and for the meantime, expand cities only vertically, to leave this little space that has left for the rest of nature.

If a solar storm (or any other national disaster) happen, & we lose electricity, power, energy, etc., it’ll be very hard for people on earth to survive.

From Doc. film "Planet Earth":
* Over the last 300 yrs, we’ve lost ~ 0.5 of the world’s forest. But the pattern of loss has been very different. So much of the earlier period of loss, covered the temperate forests, in both the north & the south, especially in EU & N-America more recently, we are finding we are losing tropical forests at a much quicker rate than previously. Is the ultimate problem for wilderness worldwide that there r simply too many people?

* Jonathon Porritt (Chair, UK Sustainable Development Commission): One thing that’s always worried me ~ the environment movement for the last 30 yrs., is their inability to get their heads around the importance of population…. But the issue of population lies absolutely at the heart of destruction of the natural world today.