
October Surprise Conspiracy

I think the recent attacks on US embassies in Egypt & Libya on Sept-11-2012 may have been orchestrated by Republican Party and/or its supporters, for political gains before election as part of their October-Surprise (OS) mission, similar to the one they did back in 1980 for Reagan/Bush against President Carter, & made a deal behind curtains, behind State department, CIA, etc. with hostage takers & government of Iran (& again in Iran-Contra/Irangate). The immediate question is the coincidence of all these activities & events:

1- This video (which everyone in universe, before even its production, could clearly predict it’d provoke & upset Muslims) was produced & put on internet just weeks before election & debates. Note: Production time & Release time.
1.a- Was this some Republicans idea to write & produce this film?
1.b- And release it at such a critical time?
1.c- Involving the famous Christian priest who burned Quran, which everyone in Muslim world knows him?
1.d- Produced by an Israeli-Jew filmmaker & 100s of Jewish donors? While we know how sensitive are Muslims to Israel & Jews & Christians. Such a perfect combination! Was this planned as part of Romney’s recent trip to Israel & recent close relation to Jews?

2- Before even Americans see this clip, radicals in Egypt & Libya (where most people don’t even have computer or internet, & very slow internet (which is very hard to see a video)), quickly saw it & quickly stormed to embassies in a very organized & sophisticated way. Did they know this in advance, & know it coming? Was this already planned?

3- Compare this with many similar past incidents (priest’s Quran burning, military Quran burning in Afghanistan, articles & caricatures about Islam or Muhammad, etc.) & reaction time/magnitude/sophistication in Muslim world (e.g., in Afgh., Pakistan, etc.). This was unprecedented.

4- Mr. Romney’s complain, press conference, etc. was very quick. Did he know this is coming in advance & planned for it? Did he write his complain statements & speech in advance, leaving some parts empty to see how things would fold, how US embassy, white-house, Pres. Obama would respond, etc.? He was surprisingly very prepared for Q&A, which he usually doesn’t. Please forgive me: the person who farts, usually is the 1st one who senses & complains about the smell.

5- Recently Mr. Romney & Republicans, strangely & suddenly, have got very close to Israel & Jews: Israel trip, meetings w/Bibi & other officials in Israel & US, a lot of statements about Israel security, friendship, support, etc.

6- A lot of harsh statements against Iran, exaggerate its threat, military attack option, Israel right to attack, etc.

7- Strong statements & position by Netanyahu & others, in Israel & US against Pres. Obama about Iran which has been intensifying more & more since last year as we get closer & closer to election. Obviously, Mr. Netanyahu has been using this election opportunity as leverage to get a promise from Pres. Obama Re. Iran & Palestine after election but has not getting it. Has he been preparing an OS together with Republicans before election? To further delay Palestine statehood discussion! His speech & complain the day before!

8- 32 years ago, same Likud Party, distance itself from Pres. Carter & positioned itself against him which cost him to lose election to Reagan/Bush. This happen when Pres. Carter was pushing Prime Minister Menachem Begin (from same Likud Party) to accept 2 states solution w/Palestinian. PM Begin was worry that if Pres. Carter got elected, he’d pushed him to accept Palestinian state (like what he did during Egypt-Israel negotiation over Sinai, which PM Begin wasn’t happy about it.)

9- Republican know that one of Pres. Obama’s winning cards is his foreign policy, & their & Romney’s weakness, & they have been trying heavily to undermine that.

10- Exact date of this attack (9/11): Since Pres. Obama is depictured as the champion of bringing 9/11 mastermind (Osama B.) to justice, this may have been planned on exactly 9/11 to diminish that. Note: Romney’s quick & immediate speech after this incident also reflected that.

11- Location of this attack: Why this didn’t happen in Afgh. or Pakistan (usual places – usual suspect)? Egypt: where Pres. Obama had speech, Mubarak, Morsi, etc. Libya: where Pres. Obama helped without 1 American casualty (despite all Republicans’ initial complains). If US embassy were open in Syria & Iran, surely it’d happen there too.

Republicans probably are doing OS again, using the same square: US, Israel, Iran, Palestine. I don’t think they intended any American to die – they may have miscalculated. Some people, like Robert Parry have been talking about another OS since some time ago (see: “An Israeli October Surprise for Obama?” at http://consortiumnews.com/2012/08/18/an-israeli-october-surprise-for-obama). Republican know very well since long time ago that beside the 1%, they have no winning card in this election (women, Af-Am, Latin, LGBT, youngs, any minority, environmentalist, elderly, pro SS, pro health care/Medicare/Medicaid, the 99%,… nada). They needed something big. This may not be the last - they may have more.

These are just my thoughts. I’ve no proof. I’m writing this, not much for its impact on election but for much more serious matter: these types of activities, jeopardize the security of US, Americans, & assets, inside & abroad; as well as allies, innocent people, US foreign relation w/other countries, war, etc. The people who did this operation should be captured alive to find the main architect behind it.

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